You’re Meant To Be Financially Free: Ask With Faith and You Shall Receive

Reposting this for emphasis. In our journey towards a richer life, towards financial freedom, we have our God as our companion, as our cheerleader, and ultimately our provider. I hope you believe that too.

For those who cannot view the IG pic and caption, here it is:

Here’s what I learned from TRC: God is overflowing with blessings and love that He wants to send to us. Why not just give it? Well, He has given us everything we have so far if you haven’t noticed! But for some, we have to ask, make lambing like a daddy’s girl does to her father. 😍😍😍 Isn’t it being too greedy? Not in our books. Why not let God be the judge huh? If it’s for the good of our lives and our soul He’ll give it. I believe! And you’re not depriving other people in case you ask and receive. Why? Because they’ve got their own! They just have to ask too. God is unli remember? Besides, you’re called upon to share your blessings, so I’m sharing this with you guys. Ask. Claim your richer life. Work. Invest. Receive. Enjoy Fri-yay! #TrulyRichClub

Everyday I get words of inspiration, faith reminders and the like via God’s Whispers of Bo Sanchez’s Truly Rich Club. I usually just share it in our Facebook and Instagram pages but this one hit a nerve, it hit me harder so this time, I’m sharing it with all of you, hoping to convince just one more Juan out there of what I believe in:

God wants you to prosper, to have an abundant life, and to use such abundant blessings to love your family and others. Overflowing blessings are in store for you, you just have to ask, call the hotline, ask for express delivery. Work hard, work smart, pray harder.

I believe this healthy faithful mindset about money and about riches is crucial if we are to pursue the road to financial freedom. Not just because we want to, not just because we have to, not just because we can, but because we are made to, we are meant to. Because our God wants us to.

Besides, without this healthy rich mindset, the journey to a richer life will be extra difficult. Ask Bo Sanchez: Deep Inside You Don’t Want to Be Rich.

Ask T Harv Eker: Secrets of the Millionaire Mind.

Believe. May you have a richer life.

Curious about what Truly Rich Club can offer? Here’s a snapshot of the many benefits:

New TRC Ad.jpg

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Need in depth research and guidance about the stock market? Checkout PinoyInvestor.

Looking for cheap franchising opportunities? PhilCrowd can be for you!

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Still Searching for that Million-Peso Business Idea?

I usually get the question: “What’s a good business nowadays?”

Then my usual reply is: “What are you good at?”

There are many businesses out there, everyday a new business idea is born. Juan may franchise left and right, start his own food business, render services, person-to-person selling, networking, digital marketing, online selling, buy and sell, distributorship, crowdfunding, build an app etc. But at the end of the day, not every Juan is honed and raised to be a businessman or entrepreneur. And not all businesses are suitable for any Juan. So back to the question,

What are you good at? I ask myself this question every day, looking for new business ideas to try. To add to my passive income streams.

I recently shared below image with our various social media. This is an excerpt from Bo Sanchez’s Truly Rich Club invitation:

TRC_GodWhispers_Biz Idea

What’s a good business idea? You might want to ask yourself, what are you good at? What’s your gift? What’s your passion?

What is it that you want to do right now, something you will not get bored doing, an alternative reality compared to being employed and stuck in the office 8am-5pm (plus dreading Mondays)? What’s your gift that you can share with the world? Don’t say you don’t have a talent or gift because we all do. You just have to be more observant and attuned with yourself.

Side comment: I’m still holding on to my ideal day of visiting my resto / shop / farm while trading in the stock market.


Yes, the money to start a business is part of the equation, part of the 3Ps to start a business (puhunan) but so is your passion, your gift (a.k.a your product). It is important that you enter a business you’re passionate about because being in business is not easy. Therefore you’ll need the stick-to-it-tiveness and perseverance. If you don’t like what you’re doing, then what are the chances that you’ll work doubly hard to make the business succeed? And if something is your passion, chances are you have an above average knowledge about it, or you are very much open and excited to learn new things about it. Possibly you spent 10,000 hours or more with it therefore making you an expert and outlier in that specific field.

In the banking industry (or maybe in others too), after employees resign / retire from their companies, they put up businesses related to what they have been doing as employees. They put up agencies, service providers, consultancy etc. and sometimes they even end up as business partners (no longer an employee) to their former employers. That’s passion, gift and know-how turned into a business. Francis Kong and Bo Sanchez love to talk and share wisdom and that’s mainly their line of business.

thought bubble


After soul searching what your passion and gift is, connect it with what the world needs. How can people benefit from what you have to offer? How can people derive value from your gifts and skills? Then you monetize your gift, skill or passion as you deliver it to the people who will find it valuable. Sometimes it’s a matter of finding your niche. You don’t have to serve the totality of humanity, you just have to find a sustainable segment to offer your business to.

I like how a cellphone brand is penetrating its niche, focused on being a “selfie expert.”. It’s not locking horns and colliding head on with the giants Apple and Samsung, it’s focused on its niche. It doesn’t boast of processors, cool features etc, just that a selfie expert camera and I hear it has a very good camera indeed (perfect for selfies). They’re focused on targeting those who are fond of taking selfies. Focus on what you do best, highlight it as your value proposition, as your differentiating factor.

laptop top view


Make no mistake. People have money, even here in the Philippines. As long as they find your product or service worth the price, they will buy it. Steve Jobs used to say that people don’t know what they want until you show it to them. We are now at the age of Facebook, Uber, Spotify, NetFlix, Amazon, AirBnB, etc. Before people were skeptic, unconvinced if there is a market for car-owners who would want to share their vehicles or their private homes with total strangers. Or whether there are people who were willing to pay for music and video streaming on demand. Before we used to just watch them on TV, play on our music players (or download them illegally) but now, people are actually paying for such services. Convenience. On the go. Service on demand. People look for value, for benefit, and are willing to pay for it. If you truly believe in your concept, go for it. Improve it, nurture it, offer it to the world.

Look within you, ask yourself what you have to offer, find a way to monetize it, create a value proposition, offer it to the world. Be a social enterprise — do good while doing well. Rinse and repeat. Goodluck!

Be updated of our newest articles and investment options. Subscribe to our free newsletter by entering your email below.

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Join our 8,100 subscribers and growing via various social media. Find us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Truly Rich Club is Bo Sanchez’s way of sharing his gifts to the people, doing good while doing well. Who knows, you might find inspiration in his business model? PhilCrowd is another up and coming business model, a social enterprise, a crowdfunding platform. Check them out here.

May we all have richer lives!

Photos from Pixabay.


Ask Geri: Should I Sell a Losing Stock to Buy Another Stock?

Hi Geri,

I got Truly Rich Club‘s email recommendation to sell FGEN (PSE: FGEN) shares and use the proceeds to buy MER (PSE: MER). I have a 2.5% loss in FGEN. Should I really sell it and buy MER?


Migz, via email.


Hi Migz,

Caveat emptor. I can sense the hesitation from your email since you have a losing position in FGEN. This is normal. Allow me to confirm that yes, I also received the TRC stock recommendation to sell FGEN and use the proceeds to buy MER. However, if you’re not comfortable to do that, then allow me to give you some more points for consideration.

My initial read on TRC’s reco to sell FGEN and buy MER is that they expect MER to recover much faster than FGEN, to the point that they even recommend selling FGEN at a loss. The reco also mentioned the attractive dividend yields that MER pays out, which is now even more attractive given the much lower prices.

Personally I don’t have holdings in either MER or FGEN, but per my limited observation of the two stocks, MER is usually more active than FGEN, so in case both stocks recover, I would expect MER to move faster (or recover earlier) than FGEN. This is a natural exercise for stocks traders and investors alike, shifting from a slow horse to a faster one, even if they still have losses, even if they are forced to take paper losses into actual losses, because they expect the faster horse to more than cover for the realized losses.

You mentioned you’re down 2.5% on FGEN, not sure how much your exposure is but assuming PHP 100k, then you’re down PHP 2,500 – an amount which you will surely recover when market recovers. It’s really up to you whether you follow the TRC reco or not (sometimes I don’t) since we all have different portfolio situations and investment horizons. You are (or should be) in the best position to decide what will be beneficial to your portfolio.

trc-thumbnailTRC will serve as a guide (like other stock market services out there), but at the end of the day, it’s your money, and it will be you who will execute (or not).


To guide you further in considering whether to sell, most investors set a cutloss threshold like 7-8% loss wherein when this is hit, they sell the position no questions asked. In this regard, the 2.5% loss is still far from being worrisome, and should be easier to stomach, should you decide to sell.


You can also consider selling half (or a portion) of your FGEN holdings and use the proceeds to buy MER. This way, you still have exposure in FGEN (in case it recovers) while you get to ride MER too.

In our previous post, we also outlined a number of other reasons on when you should sell your position. You might find them helpful. Click here for the article: When to Sell Your Stocks? (Part 3).


Previously mentioned that you are in the best position to manage your holdings, whether to buy or sell. Another key lesson will be portfolio management: our goal should be to grow our portfolio, to grow the money we invested in the stock market regardless of what stock we used to grow it. With that said, we should not fall in love with any stock (I am personally guilty of this), and we should be able to sell the slow ones (with no attachments) as soon as we find better alternatives. On the flip side, if frequent buying and selling is not within your investment OHA, then you may choose to forego selling FGEN since you are very long term and the paper losses are still bearable, then just buy MER or don’t buy any stock at all. Depends on your objectives, horizon and appetite.


Lastly, below are the charts of MER and FGEN as of today, lunch break, plus some simple technical analysis from yours truly.


MER has been down significantly since July but it is up 2.16% as of this morning’s trade. MACD and Stochastics are also both pointing up, where MACD started to look upwards as early as 13Dec2016. RSI is also pointing up, indicative of recent buying activity.


As of today, MER also touched its 20-day moving average (MA) which should be a good sign if it stays above that. There’s also a big volume 7 trading days ago on a red day. Could that volume be the last of the selling / outflows? Could it be the bottom? Are we going to see a slow recovery moving forward? Only time can tell.

One might argue that MER being up today is because TRC released a buy reco, so TRC members are buying but one can also argue that TRC investors are mostly retail and cannot possibly sway the price action that much. Who knows? I’m more for the latter. Most likely, many market followers (including TRC) have spotted this opportunity in MER. But those who did buy may be smiling right now, especially if we look at how FGEN fared especially today.


FGEN is also down significantly but based on its MACD (today) and Stochastics (3 trading days ago), both still point to a downward price trend. There’s good volume today too but as of lunch break, FGEN is down 4.7%. RSI is also looking downward. Overall, technicals-wise, not so good.

Could it be that TRC is also monitoring these technical indicators? Could be since MA, MACD and Stochastics are among the easiest to read indicators.

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Follow us on FacebookInstagram and Twitter to get updates on personal finance and investments. Want to experience financial and spiritual abundance (plus stock market guidance like Migz)? Join me and Migz at Truly Rich Club.

Free Truly Rich Club Stock Market Webinar

Press Release

27Nov2016 Update: For those who were not able to attend the webinar, you can still learn more about stock market investing and Truly Rich Club by clicking this link.

The Philippine stock market has been going down and there’s no better time to be introduced to the market and to stock market investing than now.

The Truly Rich Club will be conducting a FREE Stock Market Webinar this Sunday, November 27, 2:00pm. This webinar is open to members and non-members.

Topics to be discussed are as follows:

  • Why TRC believes the stock market is the safest way to make your money grow;
  • The 4 Golden Rules of profitable stock market investing;
  • The biggest reason why you must invest in the Philippines;
  • How you can avoid the 3 most common mistakes beginner-investors make;
  • And many more!

Grab this opportunity now to learn more about the stock market for free.

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Be updated on our latest articles by subscribing to our email base for free.

Again, register for the free Stock Market Webinar by Truly Rich Club by clicking below link: 

Member Benefits of Truly Rich Club 2.0

I call it Truly Rich Club 2.0 because of two things:

One, Bo Sanchez and Truly Rich Club (TRC) improved the look of the site for its existing members (like me), and members to be. They made it look more hip and more appealing to millennials who undeniably spend more time in the web compared to older generations.

Two, it has more sulit and panalo benefits and blessings than when I first joined 3 years ago.

It’s been more than one year since I last wrote about Truly Rich Club. Much has changed with the site but the reliable benefits and services I get remain solid and very helpful in this challenging path towards financial freedom. In fact they added more benefits to new members who will sign-up (Click here for the site).

I will just briefly enumerate here the 16 benefits (what Bo calls as Blessings) of being a TRC member, but really it’s hard to describe the blessings in very few words. And oh, before that, let me tell you some secrets: Bo also sends members free copies of his other books as Christmas gifts. And he gives member discounts to his future live talks! He won’t tell you in the site of course, especially the surprise books).

Anyway, back to the 16 blessings. The site does more justice in providing visually enticing explanations of each one, but since you’re already here, I’ll give you a sneak peek:

Blessing #1: PowerTalks Every Month

Inspirational recorded messages from Bo covering various areas of life, designed to uplift our weary spirits.

Blessing #2: Success Mentors Collection

Bo will not be successful right now without the help of his mentors. Business and success-oriented books will also tell you to surround yourself with mentors. We should do the same: find mentors, surround ourselves with successful people and emulate how they do it. With this blessing we get to benefit from the wisdom imparted by Bo’s mentors too!

Blessing #3: Wealth Strategies

Newsletter on strategies to grow our wealth (the truly rich way) as we journey closer towards our financial freedom.

Blessing #4: God’s Whispers

Daily inspirational messages straight to your mailbox, to inspire you, uplift you, remind you, of God’s love and abundant blessings He has in store for us, waiting to be claimed! (Click here to claim your TRC blessings now.)

Blessing #5 How to be Truly Rich Audio Seminar

For me, this was the catch years ago to becoming a member. I have read Bo’s books but haven’t attended any of his talks / seminars (this talk costs $210 when you attend live), so to be able to hear his seminar and feel as if I was there is a blessing indeed. I will also share more about this in a future post, since being financially free, especially for Pinoys, is not just about money IQ but also about spiritual and mental readiness.

Blessing #6 and #7 Two E-books!

Get e-book copies of two of his books: How to Conquer Your Goliath and How to Turn Thoughts into Things. I’ve bought some of his paperback books so I have an idea how much these cost, but here you get two if you become a member.

Blessing #8 Affiliate Marketing for TRC

Once you become a member, you can freely invite other friends to become a member as well and enjoy the blessings you get daily / monthly etc. Out of your own free will, not compulsory as a member. But what’s stopping you from sharing a good news right?

If they sign-up through you, you get commissions. Good source of passive income, and with this alone, you can already get 100% ROI of your monthly / annual membership. Plus, you get to bless other people with better money IQ and deeper spirituality. Click here if you want to earn via affiliate marketing too.

Blessing #9 Affiliate Marketing for Other Internet Work

Bo is not only engaged with Truly Rich Club but he also has other internet works where members subscribe. If your peers don’t find TRC appealing, or just portions of it, maybe they will find the following more helpful:

Blessing #10: E-book on My Maid Invests in the Stock Market

Very friendly read especially for those who are just starting to be interested in the stock market. A recent article came out that Bo’s maid is actually now a millionaire, probably richer than me and you. If you are to explain the stock market to kids and non-professionals / blue-collar workers, this is a good way to do it. Very friendly for stock market newbies too.


Blessing #11: Monthly Stocks Update

Bo and Sir Mike Vinas of COL Financial releases a regular list of stocks that are suggested to members who are into stocks trading. They employ strategic cost-averaging method so the key is to buy at regular intervals (usually monthly) until the target prices are hit (or if there are developments that warrant a “Stop buying” recommendation). Market and stocks analyses are also provided, worded in layman’s terms friendly for those who don’t like technical readings. Here, you have the whole TRC group with you throughout various stocks investments. And oh boy, their choices are indeed winners!

Blessing #12: Term Life Insurance (NEW!)

When I first started 3 years ago this feature did not exist yet. Now for members who will pay an annual membership, aside from getting 20% discount (compared to monthly), they will also enjoy a PHP100K term insurance for the next 12 months. Not bad huh? All these benefits, then a PHP100K term insurance as icing on top?!? So this year, I availed of the annual membership.

Blessing #13: Mobile App (NEW!)

This feature also did not exist years ago. Now members can access the blessings enumerated above (via MP3 downloads) through the app. I used to access these through the website, but now it’s more accessible and on the go! Great for those who need patience while stuck in traffic.

Blessing #14: Exclusive Facebook Group (NEW!)

Find a support group in this members only FB group. Find your peers in the app you frequent the most!

Blessing #15: Monthly Mastermind Meeting (NEW!)

It’s like the eyeball for TRC members. Meet and greet other members, network and explore more opportunities with like-minded individuals.

Blessing #16: TRC Affiliate Marketing Banners and Email Swipes

Need help to maximize blessing #9 above? TRC shall provide you with relevant pics and links you can easily post in social media or your website. They also have suggested and templated email articles you can send to your circle to invite them and share with them the good news.

All these for just P497 a month. Need more convincing? Visit the website to know more.

Find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. If you become a member of TRC, please don’t forget me and subscribe to us via email. Ours is free (for now!). Just enter your email below:


Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.

May you have a truly rich life!

Abundance Formula and Change Your Life in 30 Days

A surprise Christmas gift just arrived this afternoon, must have gotten stuck with the post office. And now I just remembered I also got another surprise present last Christmas, another one of his books.


In 2013 I received Bo Sanchez’s The Abundance Formula while for 2014, I got How to Change Your Life In 30 Days.

Now I’m eager to finish these two new books. Bo’s books are all light easy reads, very engaging, short but never lacking in substance.

You see the bright yellow banner on the right side of this site?

Yes I am a member of Truly Rich Club. Been a member since January 2013, and if you ask me why, what do I get from being a member, here’s my answer.

More than the financial benefits via stock market guidance and additional passive income stream via affiliate marketing, I appreciate more the spiritual and motivational guidance that it gives me. Whether it be the daily words of faith or encouragement, or the monthly publications, and of course the audio books and recordings.

And in case you are wondering what a religious / spiritual mentor has to do with the stock market and financial freedom and being truly rich, I enjoin you to listen to his audio book on Secrets of The Truly Rich to personally find out why. There’s actually a lot more inspiration and instructional audio books available for every Juan.

You see, investments need not revolve around money. It’s actually way more than that. Personal finance does not end in financial freedom, it’s just the turning point to becoming truly rich in every aspect of life. If Juan is truly rich, Juan we can give more — more love, more faith, more of Juan’s self.

Join the Truly Rich Club
Sign-up to our free email subscription by clicking this link.
Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Again, check Truly Rich Club and find out for yourself if it’s for you.

Pope-Inspired Juan Liners: Personal Finance Quotes

Every Juan’s beloved Pope Francis is now headed back to Vatican, leaving us to face our challenging realities, but armed with many blessings, words of inspiration, renewed faith and hope, and of course calls to loving action.
I don’t know, I may have been stricken by the Pope Francis Fever as I feel like I’m overflowing with words that I want to share with every Juan today. Realized as well that we’re halfway through 2015’s first month (just like that!), and as sort of reminder and boost for every Juan, to sustain that light feeling left by Pope Francis, I decided to compile some Pope-inspired personal finance quotes. 

These are either a product of my few witty moments, (with the help of divine inspiration), lines from previous posts and reflections, or quotes that I have read from various sources.

Yes, some families we know in the country may have wealth levels we can only dream of. But I believe every Juan has the capacity to change his/her family’s fortunes, starting from him/herself. The wealthy families that we know, the Sy’s, Ayala’s, Tan’s, etc, their wealth must have started from someone somewhere before reaching levels that we know of today. So can we. Ours can too, through us!


I always say great things take time to build and in investing and building wealth, time should be on our side, our ally. And we should not delay in making time our ally because time and life will not wait for us, it just keeps on running and flowing. So the sooner we start, the better.


Likewise, I always say we have to “work hard and work smart.” Not just either but both. In relation to this, I read from somewhere that “Luck is the offspring of Preparedness and Opportunity.” Successful people did not reach where they are not right now just in a wink of an eye, it was a process of good turns outnumbering the bad turns. Some will admit that they were blessed, that they got lucky, that they were at the right place at the right time. Looking closely though will reveal that they were able to grab the opportunities because they were prepared. That’s how they got lucky. They made the most out of every situation because they armed themselves to begin with. They allowed themselves to be blessed, they were open, and they knew how to maximize resources given to them. Just like the millions who waited to catch a glimpse of Pope Francis. They were blessed afterwards but they prepared for the opportunity by patiently and strategically waiting.

We should do the same. We should not wait for blessings and luck to fall on our laps, but rather pursue it, claim it, envision it, pray for it. Let us be armed and ready when golden opportunities arise, because they only pass by once in a while (split second in the case of Pope Francis), and they pass by for those who are ready.

Count Add Multiply Blessings

And eventually, as we keep on building our wealth, as we become more and more financially free and truly rich through addition, multiplication and subtraction, I hope we bring other people with us. We divide and share our blessings, our knowledge and wealth of information and material things to lift other lives, to change the lives of every Juan.


At the beginning of each day, as we slowly and patiently progress towards financial freedom, let us give thanks to the blessings and graces we have received, and remember that the overflowing good breaks and opportunities that we get cannot be just for our consumption, it cannot be just “this.” For sure, we are destined for something much more greater (use of too many comparatives and superlatives intentional). “We are meant to live for so much more…”, as a favorite song goes.

Sunrise on the Trossachs by  J McSporran

Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License
Note: I don’t wish to claim ownership to quotes I don’t own, I just wish to impart the wisdom I gained from them. As such, if some of these quotes are actually originally yours (with proof), please get in touch with me for proper attribution.