Juan Liners: A Candle Loses Nothing By Lighting Another Candle

Read this quote back in high school, posted on a bulletin board along the school’s long covered walkway we call EDSA. It has remained a reminder to me until now, around 16 years later. Such simple metaphor on the daily call for Juan’s generosity.

Most of us might think we don’t have much to give. That very thinking already limits our capacity to be generous. But every Juan has been gifted with something that will benefit some Juan else. We just have to look closer.

Giving does not always have to be material, giving means sharing whatever gifts we have to those who will benefit from it. Gift of speech, motivation, time, teaching, wealth, listening ear, etc. How about you, what’s your gift that you can share with others? A daily challenge for all of us. We might not be generous all the time, but hopefully most of the time.

In our simple ways, let us light many candles out there. We won’t lose much, if at all. We’ll gain much more than what we gave because we cannot surpass God’s generosity and blessings. God shall repay us, many times over.

Let us change lives, Juan’s step at a time.


Base Photo: Candle by  Windgeist 

Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License