E-Book: Savings, Expenses & Debt Mgt

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Savings, Expenses & Debt Mgt: 101++ Ways to Save Your Self (SExD 101)

  • Are you having difficulty saving money? Hiding from creditors and collections agents?
  • Always tempted to shop and spend? Over limit in your credit card balance?

If yes, SExD 101 is the book for you!  Let us help you in managing your savings, expenses and debt — the pillars and foundations of a steady financial life.

  • See how the three are connected with one another much like the 3 legs of a stool.
  • Learn why Juan has to manage all these 3, and why focusing on just one while neglecting the other 2 will create an imbalance in Juan’s financial standing.
  • Know at least 101 ways to save your future self, 101 ++ ways you can start applying today.
  • Get additional resources for a deeper discussion on certain money management styles.
  • Easy to read, easy to apply, start getting richer today!

Take charge of your financial life today! Before you invest, master SExD 101!

See below images for the preview.


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