Ikigai: Reason for Being

I love math and I love Venn diagrams (if you can still recall). Use them to drive a non-math concept and then boom! You got me interested.
Chanced upon below image from a friend’s instagram account. Encountered a somewhat similar concept while reading Good to Great (the hedgehog concept of a G2G company), but this one had 4 circles in it, rather than 3. Where passion, mission, profession and vocation meet.
A quick google of the Japanese word “ikigai” shows “reason for being” as its meaning. Deep. Or in another language, raison d’etre. A reason to get up in the morning. Or as the famous coffee commercial asks, “Para kanino ka bumabangon?” Or maybe it should be “Para sa ‘ano’ ka bumabangon?” Time for coffee.
Don’t know if this diagram came from a book I haven’t read (please inform me of the proper sources if you know) or somewheres. It’s just too good not to blog about and share. The image struck me into reflection mode.

We Filipinos are known to be hardworking (probably in the profession / vocation areas) but hopefully, one day, we get to discover where our passion, profession, vocation and mission meet – our reason for being. Not just work that brings food on the table and sends children to school, but also work that we love, work that brings out the best in us. A reason for our existence that transcends our limited lifetime.
Turning 30 soon (not having quarter-life crisis) but admittedly, I would love to discover my ikigai soon. A purpose- driven life so to speak. I’d like to believe that such a state exists, a state of bliss as a former financial planner mentor once discussed. Sigh.
Aja. The search for raison d’etre is still on.

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