For the Jon Snows of Stock Market Who Know Nothing (Yet)

We are all students of the stock market, freshie or seniors alike. Mere students. Always and will be.


After the traumatic drop inĀ the middle of 2013, and the dramatic come back in Dec13 to Apr14, one can’t help but wonder whether PSE is once again primed to conquer previous heights (@7000) or will it come up short once again? As it is, the PSE remains a bit overvalued in terms of P/E compared to regional indices.

In the process, I joined various FB groups on Philippine stocks just to feel the pulse of other stock participants. And to increase my (limited) market intelligence and insight as well. In this forums and FB groups, one needs to be careful in digesting every information since genuine veterans who want to help, hypers, bashers, speculators, rumor-mongrels (with vested interests and/or insider information) and silent readers converge here. And of course newbies.

I noticed though that every day, in forums and FB groups alike, lots of newbies join the community and ask how to get started?

I commend them for the courage to take a step further in their personal finance lives, and their humility to admit to themselves and to the group that they know nothing (yet, like Jon Snow) and the openness to suggestions and tips on where to begin.

But this leads me to ask as well, as the stock market gains more and more interest once more, are we once again approaching the time to sell?Ā 

I also noticed that during the down months last year, views and referral passive income from my Truly Rich Club and PinoyInvestorĀ links went down with it. Naturally so. But in the first few months of the year, revival of interest in these services is evident, alongside with the revival of interest in the stock market. Win-win for me.

The more participants and students we have in the stock market, the better, as long as more means more research, more knowledge sharing, more people doing their homeworks, whether fundamental or technical. And hopefully, with more students, there would still be less freeloaders and gamblers. Fingers crossed.

As service to those who want to get started, here are some old articles to get you started:

Goodluck to all of us, men of the Stock Market Watch.
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